One mother’s child is every mother’s child…. to love, nurture, encourage and protect


one mother's happiness 3~

One mother’s child…
One father’s child…
One family’s child…
happiness, joy, fear, sadness, grief, joy, happiness


one mother's happiness everyone


one mother's happiness may each


one mother's happiness love nurture encourage and protect


one mother's happiness cities countries global family


one mother's happiness everywhere every time






These pages were partly inspired by a quote from the DalaiLama…a quote that I had posted a few days ago on Reflections:  “We must recognize that the suffering of one person or one nation is the suffering of humanity.  That the happiness of one person or one nation is the happiness of humanity.”

Note: I consider all women to be mothers and all men to be fathers…. most of us mother and father each other all the time. I think we’ve all “mothered,”  and been “mothered” and “fathered” with the love, kindness,nurturing and encouragement of many people throughout life. In addition, every person on earth is the “child” of a mother…


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A blog about shifting perspectives...
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12 Responses to One mother’s child is every mother’s child…. to love, nurture, encourage and protect

  1. seeker says:

    What is learnt from my faith is that “don’t let your suffering be wasted”


  2. Pingback: One mother’s child is every mother’s child…. « Reflections From a Friend

  3. one thing that being the mother of a son with schizophrenia taught me is to see every person as someone’s child, someone’s brother or sister. Someone who has been loved at some time. It’s too easy to distance our self from those who seem unlovable, or undisciplined, or even unworthy. We are each members of the family and the pain of one is the pain of each one. if this tragedy teaches us nothing else, let it teach us that we are indeed each others’ keeper.


    • Yes…Joss, that is so true. Once we see family members suffering, we can realize that every person is another person’s loved one, no matter how they might seem in the moment. We are all connected and I think the more emotionally and consciously aware of that we are, the more compassionate and thoughtful choices we can all make. Thank you for your personal insight, Joss.


  4. sufilight says:

    I realize even more now after reading your post and comments that I have been a mother many times in my life, even a mother to my late mother. We all are indeed connected, and may we continue keeping our hearts open.


    • Oh, Marie….you are soooooo much a “mother”….you have an entire brood of us that you nurture kindly and carefully along… mothering indeed!…lucky us! Your book, blogs and facebook pages are also lovely offerings of “mothering”…continued thanks for those, too. (although I get confused by people’s facebook pages and don’t venture to facebook very often)
      And yes, for all of us continuing with connecting to and among our hearts…and helping each other to keep hearts open,too.


      • sufilight says:

        Ooh, thank you! Your words are very encouraging to me. I have a confession to make, I am reevaluating if I am going to keep my Facebook page open because as beautiful as it is, it’s very time consuming. I may open a website instead and continue to inspire from there with video clips, pamphlets , etc…… Not sure yet, but I do want to continue to inspire. The world needs this, this is why inspirational blogs like yours are special and needed!


        • I wonder how many others get confused by facebook?…or nervous in some odd manner? It sounds like it’s very time consuming for you. But, Marie, I think that no matter what “method” you choose, you will continue to inspire.
          I’ve had an odd day of “discouragement” about things I create…that the longer ones, like this post, that for me are far more valuable…that they don’t seem to be “gotten” by others or to engage interest…and I feel disappointed about that. (it may be the way I present the ideas, not the ideas themselves) Some good news is that I printed these particular pages out yesterday morning (they are pretty printed out) and bound them together as a “book” and shared them with/ gave them to, and explained this idea to a school teacher I’m helping…to help with that idea of why teachers who are able to access this kind of “inspiration”..for example, thinking in terms of “every mother’s child” when teaching them…how those teachers can rise above time and energy limitations and have such positive impact on those that they teach. I realized that was the way I accessed that extra energy and motivation, so tried to share that with her too. I think it was helpful, so that feels good.
          Marie, it’s kind of hard to figure out how to offer one’s ideas. It sounds like you’re grappling with that too.


  5. sufilight says:

    Yes, amazing we both are in doubt right now! I am also grappling with the amount of time I spend which is hours in finding quotes and pictures, and sometimes I even buy the photos, and though I have a lot of followers, the views are very few … so it’s not reaching folks. I like the way you became motivated to inspire the teacher and did! Let’s continue being ourselves and inspire.


    • Your facebook entries are wonderful, but I can see they’d take lots of time and effort. The dynamics of who arrives at various posts is fascinating to me, but still confusing, too.
      I do really enjoy the time I spend creating pages and posts…I LOVE making those image pages and it’s so helpful for me as a way to get my ideas out of my head and heart and onto “paper”…but I have complete free time now, so finding time isn’t a problem for me.
      And yes…let’s continue…


  6. Pingback: “Believe in yourself….” a mother’s wish on Mother’s Day | Pocket Perspectives

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