A “group walk”…from the Redwood Forests to the SF Bay waters…my little corner of the world.

Robin, from Life in the Bogs, Bogs Of Ohio, inspired a number of other bloggers to take walks or hikes last week and then to create posts about them….our very own “group walk.”  I HAD planned to take 3 LONG hikes, but ended up taking 2 shorter hikes….but both were beautiful.  My iphone camera wasn’t working correctly, so I’ve combined the photos I was able to take from last week and this summer…same places, different times.

Here’s Robin’s post with a  compilation of links to others who also walked: “Everybody’s Walking”


On Tuesday, a friend and I  started out walking the trail along  the west side of the SanFrancisco Bay, by the SanRafael shoreline.  (north of the Golden Gate Bridge)  The water and sky, from this part of the bay have a lighter blue quality… delicate and pretty.  That’s the bay with the Richmond-SanRafael Bridge in the background. The trail follows right beside the bay…just lovely!



On the left side of this next photo, is a small boat dropping packets of seed oysters into the bay, trying to repopulate native oysters in that area. Very faintly visible in the very far background is the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge.


Looking out toward some smaller islands in the bay


On Wednesday, I drove over to Samuel P. Taylor Redwood Park, another favorite spot. It’s also in Marin County, north of San Francisco. It’s a wonderful little park, with towering redwoods, a lovely little river and lots of moss and lush ferns. I usually  go there in the summer and sit, read, ponder and relax….but this time, I had a friend with me, so we walked along  some of the more secluded canyons…absolutely beautiful.



The trail meandered uphill through the redwoods….sunlight filtering through….


Even though it hasn’t rained since springtime, the woods still feel lush and verdant….ferns are plentiful and graceful.


And so…two lovely little walks…a bit of the fresh SF Bay air and open sky…and a bit of the lush canyons of stately redwoods. What a joy, to be outside, walking, looking around and immersed in such beauty!  Thank you Robin for the inspiration for this “group walk!”


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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17 Responses to A “group walk”…from the Redwood Forests to the SF Bay waters…my little corner of the world.

  1. How wonderful for you to take these walks on weekdays. When I first retired I relished fall and spring on weekdays, as for so many years I was inside.


  2. Robin says:

    Thank you, Kathy! Your walks are beautiful. I would love to be able to walk in a redwood forest or by the bay, so I’m glad you could join in and take us with you. 🙂


  3. Pingback: Everybody’s walking « Life in the Bogs

  4. hugmamma says:

    It’s been awhile since I’ve wandered in and around the beauty of the Bay area. Lucky you…to be immersed in such natural loveliness…every day. hugs for sharing…:)


  5. Sallyann says:

    Hiya, I droped over from Robin’s blog and have really enjoyed spending some time in your corner f the world, 🙂
    thanks for sharing your walks, and the photos of them too. 🙂


  6. nrhatch says:

    Lovely. Lovely. Lovely. Thanks for sharing your walks with us, Kathy. 😀


  7. sufilight says:

    Oh, so lovely! Thank you for giving me a glimpse of your walks… 🙂


  8. Karma says:

    Hello there! I’ve popped over from Robin’s blog. What wonderful places to walk! I’ve only been to California twice in my life for two very short trips, and I’d really like to go back. I think Redwoods must be fascinating to see in person. Thanks for the peek at your walks!


  9. Roberta says:

    Enjoyed walking with you!


    • Both walks we’re beautiful. I just tried to add another photo of a walk in new Hampshire yesterday… Gentle and beautiful autumn forests…forests sure are restorative. California here we come… Back to the bay in a few hours. Flying is like a miracle. Now I get to wander amidst clouds. Away we go…


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