“Well….certainly I can do this ONE little thing…..” …encouraging and motivating oneself…


How to “get oneself going?”
How to jump start some momentum?
How to find ways to get started
when the “task” is realistic and manageable?
How to give oneself a “green light”…
a signal that it’s okay to “go”
A good start…a green light…
might be to reassure oneself…
“certainly, I can do this…..”
this= one little, first step

Sometimes, I have a hard time “getting myself going”.  I might come up with lots of seemingly “valid reasons” or rationalizations about why I can’t do something or don’t particularly “feel like” or “want to” do something…those “reasons” can function like stoplights…big, bright, red stoplights… for one’s energy and motivation!


 I’ve noticed, however,  that if, or when, I  “get myself going,” I often gain some momentum, and then “keep going”….but getting started can be a challenge.  So…a simple little statement I say to myself seems to help…. just to think about one tiny, little first step…

“Certainly, I can do this…..”
this first little step

…simply reassuring myself that I can take one very simple little action….maybe as little as putting a few pens back into a drawer….just taking one little “step”…doing “one little thing….”



And, of course, any project or undertaking is a series of “one little things”….one leading to the next, leading to the next….a series of simple little “things…”



a path consisting of many “one little thing’s”…


It’s a bit like teaching little kids…encouraging a little bit at a time…to just get started…one little action being a “jump start” to get the momentum going… reassuring oneself…

“well, certainly I can do this….”
this one little step





About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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13 Responses to “Well….certainly I can do this ONE little thing…..” …encouraging and motivating oneself…

  1. sufilight says:

    This is a wonderful motivator for me! I will take that little step and remember the colorful images you shared. By the way, i am reading from my cellphone and the post looks very pretty. 🙂


  2. leah77 says:

    This reminds me of the children’s joke: How do you eat an elephant?
    Answer: One bite at a time.
    It’s true. Every great task is a series of small tasks. I can do that!
    Great one!!!


  3. nrhatch says:

    Exactly the approach I took with myself yesterday. I’ve been putting off sorting through the linen closets. I convinced myself to start ONE shelf at a time. I promised myself that I could stop after ONE shelf if I wanted . . . of course, I didn’t. That ONE shelf looked so good that I did another and another and another.

    In the end, BOTH linen closets, AND the kitchen pantry, AND the walk in closet in the Guest Room got straightened up. RAH!


    • Wow…Nancy, congratulations! Isn’t it remarkable how once one gets going…that energy can continue!…and WOW!…you sure did continue!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! A few days ago, after reading your post about getting rid of stuff, I got inspired to get take a big bag of good, but unneeded, books to the library sale donation spot, convert a huge bag of coins at one of those machines….I wonder if I’ll catch that energy again today???…watch out closets….here comes Kathy! 😀


    • nrhatch says:

      Woo Hoo! Go you! I love transforming collected coins into “spending money.” We used to keep pennies in a BIG (5-gallon) jar. Now I keep a small quart jar on my desk for coins of all denominations.

      When it’s full, we trade it in and splurge on something FUN (like FOOD).


      • The coins added up to 80 dollars…a big, heavy bag! … I went to Jamba Juice, Noah’s bagels….and grocery shopping…bought some yummy, more expensive (but healthy) foods than I’d normally buy. And today…no closets for me. I found an online diagram/flow chart creating site and spent the day trying to learn to create diagrams with it…it’s challenging, but fun! http://www.gliffy.com/ Unfortunately, I seem to have the wrong password and can’t get back into the site to access what I created. (I wrote password down, but now it doesn’t work!) Looks like I need to go back to a site I signed up for yesterday… Luminosity…a memory development program that seems enjoyable, manageable and intriguing…I’m on day 2 …. http://www.lumosity.com/
        I wonder where I’ll wander tomorrow????


        • nrhatch says:

          I had to smile at your comment . . . I’m glad you REMEMBER the password for the MEMORY development website. Forgetting that one would be quite “telling.” 😉


  4. Robin says:

    Excellent reminder, especially now that I’m embarking on another long challenge. One little step at a time. I can do that. 🙂


  5. Pingback: Motivating Oneself | Life is Beautiful

  6. It’s just one little step after another… and wow…another positive challenge…that’s wonderful!


  7. Pingback: “Well….certainly I can do this ONE little thing…..” …encouraging and motivating oneself… | Pocket Perspectives

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