“Thank you for showing me what that looks like”…gaining more perspective on our own reactions…how “TO be or NOT to be”



Watching reactions among people can be a helpful way to gain more awareness and insight into how we ourselves might tend to react…others being a bit like mirrors or reflections of how we act or react.

As a fellow blogger commented…
getting more awareness of how…
“TO be or NOT to be”


This alert awareness, and ability to step back, can be a powerful strategy for learning positive strategies and qualities…to observe, reflect, learn and model  positive traits or qualities that one sees or admires in others…



I heard an interesting suggestion a few days ago…to use this type of stepping back and observing to become more aware of “less positive”  or perhaps “negative” patterns we may use,  but aren’t as aware of.  It’s sometimes much easier to see negative patterns in  others than in ourselves… using those “observations”  as a mirror to gain more insight and awareness into our own patterns…. leading to letting go of  less helpful patterns and replacing them with more positives.


Obviously, few people want to be around or involved in negative interactions
but once the interactions are over,
rather than just being irritated or unhappy about them,
(which tends to be my reaction)
to reflect and use that reflection as an opportunity to learn,
to learn from those observations,
not only how to avoid or resolve such conflicts,
but, equally helpful,  to also use this “opportunity”…
to recognize how one might, sometimes,  react in a similar manner,
a manner that may not be in one’s  own best interest,
or the best interest of others…
It can be quite difficult to “see” our own interactions,
but much easier to see similar traits or patterns in others,
and to learn from those,
to learn to go more toward positives



And so…to learn from watching others
and to recognize and model positive patterns and increase those,
and to recognize potentially negative patterns and learn to avoid those,
and in one’s mind…to say
“thank you for showing me what that looks like”
and…hopefully learning from it…
“thank you for teaching me an important lesson”
…possibly ambitious…
…but possible…
“TO be or NOT to be”



“thank you for showing me what that looks like…….”
a potentially helpful learning tool



Note: this might seem like a strange or unusual strategy…to, at times,  thank people, in one’s mind, for their unpleasant reactions…. but I think it’s a potentially powerful learning tool…using others as “teachers.”  I recommend starting with small reactions,  not big ones.  : )     It really can help one step back from one’s own reaction  and to potentially transform that unpleasantness into a positive for one’s own learning.

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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10 Responses to “Thank you for showing me what that looks like”…gaining more perspective on our own reactions…how “TO be or NOT to be”

  1. granbee says:

    A true friend is one who can lovingly hold up a mirror to us to help us grow in wisdom as we gain perspective on our own reactions, often from deep in our subconcious!


  2. nrhatch says:

    Everyone we meet can be a “teacher” . . . and we can thank them, in our minds, for showing us how “to be or not to be.”

    Good thoughts, Kathy.


    • Thanks Nancy…I felt a bit hesitant about sharing this idea, which might seem odd to others, but I’m finding it helpful, so figured I’d take a change. I was just adding more ideas to this post, as you left a comment… trying to explain it more effectively. Sometimes I find it hard to explain ideas that are on the image pages.
      Ah yes, so true…so many unanticipated “teachers” in our lives!
      I think I could probably just use your phrase…showing us “how to be or not to be”…that sums it up perfectly …9 words say it all. 😀


    • nrhatch says:

      I don’t find it odd at all . . . the trait that marks me as “a writer” is that I’m always watching, observing, weighing, and comparing.


  3. Nice article to be shared. I would like to say this is really awesome and appreciable.


  4. sufilight says:

    Life is a mirror what we have inside of ourselves gets reflected back to us through our life experiences so says, Deepak Chopra. Thanks for sharing give me more to ponder about….


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