We’re all doing the best we can with what we know now… and when we know better we’ll do better

This was a post from September, 2011….but I think I would benefit from this reminder today….ah, the life lessons just keep on arriving…

The top sentiment,

“I did the best I could with what I knew how,
and when I knew better I did better”

is a paraphrase of a quote attributed to Maya Angelou.   I really appreciate that idea…

that we’re all trying hard,
sometimes, life can be so complicated…
but to do our best to remember
we’ve all done the best we were able to do
…in each moment…
and to recognize, accept and appreciate that

I think the phrase at the bottom of the photo
is even more important to keep in mind

I try to keep that  in mind in each day….
particularly if I’m attempting do something difficult
or that I don’t have experience with…
that all I can do in each moment
is to try to do the best I can…
given my own strengths and weaknesses
and the needs of varying situation….
someday I might have more insight and skills..
but in this moment
this is all  I can do…

I’m doing the best I can, with what I know now,
And when I know better, I’ll do better….



It’s a bit like that little stream in the photo…

where it’s been,
where it is now
where it’s going…

flowing along,
bumping into rocks,
shifting course as needed,
tumbling at times,
smooth pools at other times….
just flowing along…

And so…
when things might seem difficult or confusing…
….to keep in mind….

I think we’re probably all
doing the best we can with what we know now
And when we know better,
…we’ll do better…

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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10 Responses to We’re all doing the best we can with what we know now… and when we know better we’ll do better

  1. beautifully said. it’s wise to remember this for ourselves and for all those with who we interact on any given day. Somehow it frees us from holding grudges as well as frees us to keep trying.


  2. yes…. as you say….for ourselves and others we interact with… to keep on trying.


  3. I need to remember it for myself, of course, but also remember it’s true of the people around me! I can get a bit impatient! 🙂 Super thoughts for a Monday morning! Debra


    • Yes….double intentions in this idea…myself and others around us too…patience can be elusive for me at times, too. I spent the day in a “loving kindness” teaching/day….good reminders for me to nurture that more positive perspective….


  4. granbee says:

    Pocket, no wiser or finer woman of recent eras than Miss Angelous to paraphrase when it comes to our modern methods of coping with life itself! Very fine repost! Thank you!


  5. She is a remarkable woman…a real inspiration!


  6. suzicate says:

    Love it…how true it is. Wish I knew how to put words on graphics the way you do, really makes the statement powerful.


    • it’s very easy to make these pages…I’ve thought of setting up directions in a tab on this blog to help others learn how…I use a very simple program called Print Shop…it costs about 30 dollars and is easy to use and create pages with images, fonts, colors etc that are aligned with how you want to express your ideas. If you get it, I’d be happy to help you with it…it’s really fun to use! …and the results look more impressive than the skill level actually is…


  7. Pingback: Alone « My Blog Divine Light

  8. You have come up with a very good way to brief us with such a useful content. Thank you for sharing! 🙂


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