“A Starbuck Moment” ….may all beings feel loved and appreciated

May all beings
loved, nurtured, valued, cared for, cherished and appreciated
friends…family…loved ones
all over the world
people and animals
…all beings….

(Kathy and Peter’s daughter)
and her beloved, rescued kitty
(named after Battlestar Gallatica character)
“Starbuck Moment”
written by Julie

so many hours were spent
25 years ago
walking the hallway
looking at pictures on the wall
and now
it’s being passed along


And so on this Fourth of July
a day of remembering and celebrating
our remarkable opportunities,
our cherished freedoms
and our plentiful choices,
to go back to the basic awareness
of how precious it is
to use  our freedom, choices and opportunities,
in our homes, our cities, our countries
and all over the entire Earth,
to nurture all beings
and all beings
to love, nurture, care for and appreciate

“May all beings feel loved, valued, cared for, nurtured and appreciated”



And a special ending quote
from today’s  DailyDalaiLama.com

“the smart brain”
“a warm heart, a good heart
a sense of responsibility
of concern for the well being of others”

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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12 Responses to “A Starbuck Moment” ….may all beings feel loved and appreciated

  1. hugmamma says:

    sweet celebrations on the 4th…and all days…


  2. Starbuck…a great name! And an adorable kitty! Great context for your encouragement that we think beyond “just ours” and wish the same freedoms and love for others. Debra


    • This post didn’t start out with that larger context…just Julie’s little description of walking Starbuck…but then it fell into the larger context of …as you write…thinking beyond “just ours”…. and isn’t Starbuck so sweet?…a real blessing.


  3. eof737 says:

    Sending you virtual hugs with same… 😉


    • thank you…. goodness all around….
      And I just noticed this wonderful quote on the side of your blog….
      “To see a world in a grain of sand,
      And a heaven in a wild flower,
      Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
      And eternity in an hour.”
      I’ve been trying to remember that quote for weeks…thank you! Human kindness ties in so deeply with that…..and after I just read the entire poem…incredible poem!!!… and lots of people’s interpretations….such a profound “truth”…I am so inspired by those lines!


  4. What a beautiful post!! Ah, the days before “Goodnight, Moon”!!! So wonderful that such a brilliant technique for soothing fear and anxiety is being used on such a sweet feline friend!


    • Isn’t that so special…??….that those intuitive memories come through, so many years later…and get transferred to others…people and animals alike… and Starbuck is such “a sweet feline friend”… : )


  5. tuesday2 says:

    Thanks for sending out good vibes of kindness~


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