“Each of us usually has a glimmer of what our heart’s desire is…..” learning to figure out “what” that glimmer might be…

A few days ago, I read a wonderful post on Nicole Cody’s blog, Cauldrons and Cupcakes. The post was about learning to listen for “when the muse whispers in my ear….for ideas about developing potentials and possibilities.

I love that idea, but left a comment that I don’t quite know how to listen for those whispers…I’m used to trying and working hard at things….not as much at listening for whispers and being intuitive.

Well, Nicole very kindly created a wonderful and helpful post to explain more about  that…and posted it today…here is a link to her post…the post has lots of very helpful specifics to questions I had asked, and much, much more…..

Attracting Inspiration and Opening to Abundance”

I took many excerpts from her post…those that weren’t specific to me…. and put them onto a background,  to share with others who might enjoy Nicole’s  ideas too….








And a link to that 5 minute meditation…it is simply wonderful! I highly recommend taking just a few minutes and listen to her guiding us through these wonderful ideas of inspiration…. Nicole Cody’s Guided Meditation for Inspiration and Abundance




And a collection…all together… from some of the above pages…



This started out as a simple little thank you to Nicole…
maybe a  reblog of her post, which I didn’t quite know how to do….
and then….
the little thank you got bigger….
talk about “glimmer”….
: )


And a little addition….a page from last summer…a quote from Cat, Year of Kindness
words that seem to tie in with these ideas….
(I seem to use and reuse that particular background…..I guess it resonates with me…?It was the background for one of  the very first “booklets” I made, several years ago ….“The Sweetness of….”)



About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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31 Responses to “Each of us usually has a glimmer of what our heart’s desire is…..” learning to figure out “what” that glimmer might be…

  1. sufilight says:

    You did a beautiful creative job with Nicole’s words. The shimmiring art is very visually pleasing. This will be another gem for someone who finds his/her way to your blog in need of this message.


    • thanks, Marie…I wanted to take a few of her ideas and really “open up” to them….so I figured maybe a few image pages might support that…what a nice bonus if others get some insight and inspiration from her ideas, too. (it looks like many of her readers do….based on comments in her blog…)


  2. How wonderful. Thanks.


  3. This is beautiful Kathy! 🙂


    • thank you….it was joyful making it… : )
      (and, uh oh…your comment got caught in my “spam” folder…so nice to see something legitimate in there…. : ) …all I got for comments was spam for the first 3 months of my blog, so I imprinted positively on spam…isn’t that amazing? )


  4. i remember reading Dick Smith’s book “Inside Diving.” I read it when I was asked to judge diving back in the day. I’ll always remember one thing he said…How do you know a dive is a 10? Answer: If it makes you “tingle.” Your glimmer reminded me of his “tingle” comment.


  5. nrhatch says:

    Beautiful share, Kathy.

    When I’m “testing” an idea through “intuition” . . . I just “swallow it whole.” If I feel “sick to my stomach” . . . I know it is not the right way or the right time. If I feel calm and peaceful, I know it IS the next step on MY path.

    For example, when I struggled with the decision to leave the practice of law . . . I swallowed whole the idea “I will keep doing what I’ve been doing.” My stomach immediately knotted up . . . rejecting that idea.

    Then, I swallowed the idea, “I will stop practicing law.” Peace flooded my being. I knew the time was ripe for change.

    Like any other “muscle,” our sense of intuition strengthens as we use it.


    • okay….let me figure this out….so to go into a “space” and really imagine oneself being in that particular situation….then get a visceral sense of the experience of that…notice what the body is “saying” about that…to respect that the body is expressing the emotion/nature of what that experience feels like to me…and to be willing to respect that reaction and act… whether just being or going toward or away…. I think that’s the idea?…well, I can do that…I never really thought of harnessing/utilizing my sometimes overly active imagination in that positive manner…good idea! thanks!


  6. you’ve done an excellent job of highlighting Nicole’s post. I’m so glad you suggested I go visit her blog. I feel like I’ve found a new friend. walk in beauty.


  7. cuhome says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! What beautiful artwork to go with this wonderful post! The miracle to me is that all it takes, to make meaning of the glimmer, is one, single person!


  8. granbee says:

    Pocketper, I have been practicing guided meditation for about 12 years now and would not want to start a day without it! Learning over time to treasure the oddball image that flies across your mind’s eye instead of rejecting it as “nonsense” and “silly” and “impratical” is very, very important in order to get in tune with the real “you”. Do what your love, live your legen, follow your passion, as many life-coaching blogging friends of mine would say! I am so very pleased to see you getting into some depth with this concept here in this beautifully presented post. Thank you for the creative and heart-felt sharing.


    • It was a fun series of pages to create…this is the first transition I’ve had in MANY years, so I’m learning how to create a meaningful shift…and I’m finding Nicole’s and other people’s ideas are providing a wonderful springboard for me… And Granbee…you added helpful and inspiring ideas in your comment, too…thank you… (btw…I wanted to link you to that blog, too…Cupcakes and Cauldrons…I linked a few others…but I couldn’t seem to get to your blog through the avatar…and I seem to have gotten lost in blog links…can you add a link to your blog here?: ) )


  9. sufilight says:

    Kathy, I am responding here as I ran out “reply” buttons in my last entry. lol. YOu can go ahead and quote anything from my blog. I was chuckling about having to wait because I post late at night. It’s true, I am a night owl. . Was trying to respond quickly and my computer as usual slows down which was testing my patience. hehe.


    • oh Marie, that’s so funny…. you ran out of “reply” buttons???….it just gets better by the hour…between “loco subscriptions” and now exhausted “reply” buttons…oh, the human mind, indeed…. and now computers slowing down when trying to respond quickly….tech as the life metaphor….and….patience….so funny…


  10. I think you’re already living in your glimmer, honey! Your beautiful ability to inspire others with images and words certainly seems to be very closely tied to your hearts desire and shows what incredible possibility and potential you are already wholeheartedly embracing. 🙂



    • thank you Cat…it really didn’t occur to me as I was creating these pages and post that I was doing what Nicole was writing about and suggesting to become more aware of…the glimmer… funny, I didn’t even notice it at the time… : ) Perhaps I need to awaken/develop the observer part of the mind…to notice what the intuitive part is up to…. : )


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