To everything, there is a season…a time to reflect….

It seems one’s  mind really can experience “seasons”….and my mind, oddly enough, seems to be quiet…content, tranquil and quiet….certainly, not something that I’m used to…actually, quite unusual….not many thoughts, not many ideas morphing into images….a seemingly quiet time…a pause… a time of quiet, calm and reflection…

I’ve just finished a busy and happy 6 week period of studying, reflecting, exploring, learning, laughing, accepting, shifting… new perspectives, ideas and understandings …a special time… but there seems to be a bit of quiet now…and so…acceptance of that….a bit of an unexpected surprise for me….a quiet and calm mind…

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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16 Responses to To everything, there is a season…a time to reflect….

  1. granbee says:

    Wonderfully perfect time of year, Lent and only two weeks until Easter, to have a “quiet, reflective time.” So pleased for you, as well as please about your previous productive 6 weeks! Hooray!


  2. sufilight says:

    Beautiful you spent productive time on what has contributed to the peace and inner silence you are enjoying; we get to read about this through your musings. 🙂


  3. life is a circle of seasons, isn’t it. Sometimes we get so caught up in one season, that the next one takes us by surprise. Walk in beauty.


  4. Kathy–I’m ready for the pause and then the rejuvenation.Again, lovely a message.


  5. nrhatch says:

    It’s lovely when the mind cycles down for a bit . . . and I love Tom Petty’s Wildflowers song (and the whole CD).


    • Oh yes…Wildflowers..thank you soooo much for that song! And a quiet mind???…now that’s quite a change for me…still a bit surprised by it…maybe I should just relax and enjoy the break from an often overly busy, thinking mind.
      btw..I went to a wonderful all day teaching by Rick Hansen yesterday…about strategies/ideas for how to develop deeper meditations….calm might get even calmer 🙄


  6. Fergiemoto says:

    It’s good to have those reflective times! I’ll take as many of those as I can.


  7. eof737 says:

    I love this bible quote and I turn to it again and again… 🙂


  8. It is such a comfort and so full of wisdom…


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