Consider….before saying or doing…. “mindful” speech and actions

I try to pause and reflect before saying or doing something….before reacting….to  keep these criteria in mind….

Is is expressed without harshness?
Is it well intended?
Is it beneficial?
Is it timely?
Is it true?

And if what I’m about to say or do doesn’t meet those criteria, to use restraint in choosing whether it should be said or done…..and usually I find it better to wait….

And a shorter version of that…..

this is sometimes referred to as “wise speech”…..
reflecting, considering and making a wise choice…..
is it kind?….is it helpful?


Another version of this “page,”with a sky photo: “Wise Speech: Is it kind, is it helpful?”

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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28 Responses to Consider….before saying or doing…. “mindful” speech and actions

  1. For all that you do with your blog and being so candid…i nominated you for the Genuine Blogger Award….I hope you can accept!!!

    Peace to you


  2. Nice piece! Exactly my kind of thought. I like this and I’m rebloging it! Keep up the good work!


  3. Excellent criteria. Thanks.


  4. eof737 says:

    Yes, an important bit of advice we all need to follow. TY! 😉


  5. If you can’t say something nice, well… I love your “bulletin boards” for the blogosphere! Keep up the good work.


    • thank you….yes….Thumper said it all…. “if you can’t say somethin’ nice, don’t say nothin’ at all…” 11 seconds of thumper…
      ah yes…bulletin boards….it’s so much easier creating virtual bulletin boards than climbing on/along classroom counters and desks, with letter cutouts, photos, stapler in hand….now that was a balancing act!


  6. Kate Kresse says:

    lovely post; and you are right—thumper’s got it going on!!


  7. nrhatch says:

    Good thoughts and practice, Kathy. Thanks!


  8. granbee says:

    Wonderful, marvelous WISE SPEECH here! Thank you and many blessings wished on you!


  9. Robin says:

    Great advice. It’s always better to reflect so one can act rather than re-act. 🙂


    • yes….that’s just what I’m trying to learn/practice…to act, rather than to react….some interactions are easier than others to do that….
      For the past week, I’ve actually been making and using a new page using that idea, for those moments when it’s tempting to react, rather than choose a positive action/words etc…with the steps: notice, stop, evaluate, reflect, use good, valid reasoning, and make a shift and act/talk/think out of positive reasoning…. keeps me busy and is starting to sink in and feel more natural.


  10. Connie Wayne says:

    Great wisdom and advice. Thanks for your simple, dynamic way of sharing a profound truth. Blessings, Connie


    • Thank you, Connie. I’m happy that others can relate to and get value out of the way I try to express my ideas. I’ve found that the ideas in the “consider before saying or doing” pages are so important and can make such a difference if practiced.


  11. Pingback: Mindfulness: Choosing how we talk…(and think) | Pocket Perspectives

  12. Such wisdom, my friend–and very timely. I love these criteria for communication.


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