“That everyone you meet today will be blessed by you…by your eyes, your smile, your touch, your presence….”

If I could share nothing else….this would be what I would share…
Louis Schwartzberg, TED video, Gratitude
(my favorite part starts at 4:44)


And the beautiful, heartfelt words from that video…
(starting at 4 minutes and 44 seconds into it)
to pause, reflect, appreciate and be grateful….







And so today…I hope…

“that everyone that you meet this day will be blessed by you…
just by your eyes…
by your smile…
by your touch…
just by your presence…
let the gratefulness overflow into blessing all around you…
and then it would be a very good day….”


Warm and encouraging smiles
from me….to all of  you…


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Related posts:
June 19,2012: Truly appreciating the miracle of…… “now”
June 23, 2012: Noticing the “wow” in each moment of  “now”

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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30 Responses to “That everyone you meet today will be blessed by you…by your eyes, your smile, your touch, your presence….”

  1. Beautiful images. OMG


  2. This was a beautiful start to the day. Thanks for the inspiration.


  3. nrhatch says:

    Have a wonder-filled day, Kathy. 😀


  4. granbee says:

    Blessing with my eyes, my smile,my touch, my presence–a worthy mantra for this Lenten season. Have been smiling, speaking very softly, sending out eyebeams full of love today–so far, so good!


    • Isn’t that a lovely idea…to offer our smile, our eyes, our touch and our positive gift to others…and a very special intention…and the words do make a lovely mantra too…I’m so happy to hear you’ve been sending those out today….so special. ; )


  5. Thanks for this wonderful blessing, Kathy. I am so appreciate to have found all of you bloggers to remind me what is important in the journey.


    • Oh, you’re very welcome….it’s lovely isn’t it?
      I agree…it’s remarkable what kindness, encouragement and connection there are amongst bloggers….a wonderful support system reminding us of our own North Stars, whatever that North Star may be to each one of us.


  6. Team Oyeniyi says:

    Enjoy a beautiful day, Kathy!


    • Thank you Robin…the first day of the rest of your life….a lovely gift to us all… : )
      btw…I created this post, in the middle of the night…. right after reading your happy news…and your comment about sleeping the sleep of angels…your words inspired me to continue to put/pull these ideas and pages together…. And a happy and beautiful day to you too….an awakened perspective….


  7. sufilight says:

    Beautiful Kathy! Took a moment in my already busy day to pause, reflect and be grateful as I read your words. Thank you for the inspiration!


  8. eof737 says:

    Have a blessed day! 🙂


  9. Connie Wayne says:

    How breathtakingly beautiful, and what a blessing. You have definitely blessed my life today by sharing this. Thanks and blessings to you, Connie at A Hope for Today, http://ahopefortoday.com.


  10. Joni says:

    The video you shared moved me with its visuals of the world and thoughts about life…thank-you so much for posting this. also, good to have your visit…thanks.


    • Hi Jonri,
      Somehow I missed a few of the comments in this post. I’m so happy that the video was so moving for you. I still watch it and look at those cards, several months later…and continue to be inspired by them.


  11. I really like your newest posts, they are very inspirational and uplifting, thank you for sharing!!


  12. I’m so happy to share ideas that I find….and happy that you gain value from some of them….


  13. Pingback: Noticing the “wow” in each moment of “now” | Pocket Perspectives

  14. Pingback: Truly appreciating the miracle of….now | Pocket Perspectives

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