“Sail away from the safe harbor….catch the trade winds in your sails….explore, dream, discover”


June, 2012: An expanded post, using this post : “Sail away from safe harbor”


Same quote, but with a beautiful full moon night sky  background photo…on Reflections from a Friend blog…“Explore…dream…discover….” btw…I’m just making the Reflections photo/quote into little suncatchers …and they’re really beautiful….and as always, happy to share…just email…

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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19 Responses to “Sail away from the safe harbor….catch the trade winds in your sails….explore, dream, discover”

  1. Pingback: “Explore….dream….discover…..” « Reflections From a Friend

    • Indeed….yes!…that’s why I posted this one today….a strong and resounding “yes!” (btw….the link to the Reflections site has a gentler, but equally strong “presence”…but with a more gentle and soothing photo in the background, as I reach for that “yes” )


  2. IT says:

    Ay, captain. I will dream, discover and journey the world with more vigor than before. When I can no longer do, at least I would say, “I tried that!” life is living today, not tomorrow.wonderful!


  3. Roberta says:

    Yes! I really like this too..


  4. I’ve had such wonderful opportunities. I feel blessed.
    PS I’m happy NOW.


  5. nrhatch says:

    I love that quote and have used it as the border of a painting to give to my niece. 😀

    That quote and related quotes:

    On With The Dance!


    • It is a vibrant quote!….and the link to your post…sooooo many wonderful quotes in there …one of the best seems to be….yours!… “We are, all of us, in the process of becoming. To become more fully who we were always meant to be, we need to embrace change, and dance in the midst of uncertainty. When nothing is certain, all things are possible.
      Nothing in nature is stagnant ~ neither should we be. We are not who we once were. ” Each sentence could be a full post…thanks!


  6. zendictive says:

    I am growing to seek out your wisdom… when I get on the internet… I look for your posts…
    they are addictive, when I hunt for zen… I tell myself; wonder what kathy’s got in her pocket today.


    • ah yes…..I also wonder what might appear in my pocket each day…. : ) …but of course, I do have several actual cards in my real pocket each day too…. lots of kinds of pockets…in my mind and in my clothes… : )


  7. tuesday2 says:

    Coming to your blog always inspires me. Somehow I can always find the words that I need to hear, right here. Thank you for sharing your talent.


    • oh, you’re very welcome…I’m happy that some of the ideas might be helpful to others. And I gain wonderful benefit from the posts, links and ideas in your blog too…so scooting warm appreciation back to you, too. : )


  8. granbee says:

    Sailing away while looking up into a beautiful sky–moving ahead in my life while always aware of every beauty, every blessing–that is the way I want to live for sure!


  9. eof737 says:

    And that is so true in most cases… Good reminder! 😉


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