“I allow you to be you, and me to be me” …acceptance, understanding, wisdom

I learn so much from others….those words were quoted, source unknown,  on Nancy Hatch’s blog this morning…Spirit Lights the Way…  “The Golden Rule Is Tarnished” where she writes… “perhaps we need to adopt a different Golden Rule”…

I thought those words held such tenderness, acceptance, care and kindness that I put them onto my own kind of  “image page”….

I created that “page,”
partly because I think the words and ideas are so special…
but equally important,
I want to keep them in mind…

to reflect on those ideas
to learn to happily embrace that perspective….
and to practice living  my life
aligned with these aspirations
and to pass along the very  kind and loving ideas to others….


The sky might be thought of as being clear, having clarity and insight
The clouds…we all have them…both positive and negative…
They develop out of each of out own particular combination of…
personal traits
strengths and weakness
past experiences and interactions
and the conditions we meet in each present moment…
All of those are sometimes called
“parts and pieces, causes and conditions”
changing all the time,


And so I say to all that I know….
and especially to those that I love,
and to myself, too….

“I bless  you
I release you
I set you free
I allow you to be you, and me to be me…”


May any of us who might aspire to these wishes
learn to live our lives aligned with them,
in an accepting, kind, gentle and loving manner


thank you Nancy for quoting those heart felt and inspiring words….
soon to be hanging in a sunny window….
my own way of reflecting and remembering…


Complication: As WordPress sometimes does…I can’t seem to add the link to Nancy’s  blog in the top paragraph….without exiting what I’m working on….
ah wordpress… may I bless you for all that you can do in creating this blog, may I release you from adapting to all of my own expectations,  may I accept that my goals and your ways of doing things may not, at times,  align….may I allow  you be you and me be me….
wordpress…sometimes wonderful and sometimes my very own teacher of patience…
So one more link try… Nancy Hatch, link,  Spirit Lights the Way…nope…composing window still won’t let me do it….I’ll  add the links  in first comment box below…a teacher of patience indeed….  : )

Later:….ah….I got it into the top of the post…as a revision….some times it works, sometimes it doesn’t   “The Golden Rule is Broken”….but now, I find that I have misquoted one of the phrases…it’s not “I accept you”….it’s “I set you free.”….I’ve revised the pages but I can’t seem to add the revision to the post…patience…

Much later:….okay…Nancy figured it out…click the “update” icon and then revise….several months of confusion and frustration about how to revise post images has just been…wow!

I’m going to leave all these ramblings/challenges about trying to revise…. because it makes a good point that actually ties in perfectly with this post…and linking some older pages that show that…..at times, we’re all bumbling our way through life,   doing the best we can with what we know in each  moment…  just doing the best we can.  And so, to accept that in myself and others and move on.  And so, now the correct links are added, pages revised and replaced, quoted as “source unknown”…. voila…. done…  : )

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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45 Responses to “I allow you to be you, and me to be me” …acceptance, understanding, wisdom

  1. By Kathy…another attempt…ah persistence and patience…to Nancy’s blog entry from today: “The Golden Rule is Tarnished”

    The Golden Rule Is Tarnished


  2. sufilight says:

    Beautifully done Kathy! I too loved Nancy’s message, the way she presented it. This is something both my s/o and I talk about a lot, the being empty of expectations. It’s good to see this discussion and understanding with our little community in WP. 🙂


    • nrhatch says:

      Marie, that’s a great way of expressing it . . . Being empty of expectations. As soon as we expect life to live up to our expectations, we are apt to be disappointed.

      When we accept the what is, as it is, we can focus on our expectations for OUR behavior.


  3. nrhatch says:

    Glad you enjoyed the post, Kathy. 😀

    BTW: Have you always had difficulty adding links . . . or is this a recent phenomenon? I’ve never had a problem adding hidden links on WP and can walk you though the process.


    • Hi Nancy…thank you again for the beautifully expressed ideas…
      And I haven’t had problems until recently with adding links….I can add them as I’m writing, but after I got to the bottom of the post, I tried to go back to the top of the post and add the links with the link button and pasting the link into the window, and it kept telling me that I would have to leave the page I was working on… which I didn’t want to do. And then sometimes it would bounce me over to the list of posts within my blog…I can’t think of anything else to try. In the past month, I’ve also had difficulty adding links or images once something is posted to…it just won’t add them…any ideas? (I really am learning patience, however…so that’s a positive…) ( I read something somewhere about “auto save” function interfering, but don’t quite understand how that would happen or if that is the problem)


      • nrhatch says:

        That sounds like a glitch . . . rather than the norm.

        I would say to “SAVE DRAFT” and then try to add the links. That would Override any Auto Draft that is standing in your way.

        Likewise, if you open up something that’s already posted to add a link or image, hit “SAVE DRAFT” first . . . then you’re sure to be working on the current draft rather than some auto draft.


        • Yes, a glitch…so NOW, I’ve revised the image pages to include the correct words…but the composing window won’t let me add more images…I click the icon to add an image and that icon is non responsive….no reaction at all..nothing. This has happened for about a month….I’m obviously missing some step…the way I try worked until a month ago, but now doesn’t work.
          I don’t see a “save draft” choice when I’m working on already posted posts…only ones I’m working on that haven’t, as yet, been posted.


  4. Jackie Paulson says:

    Kathy you have great taste…and I bless you too..
    I think I heard this from a popular guru of sorts, but I say in my head a lot, “I am sorry”
    “please forgive me” thank you and I am sorry…forgot the persons name. But It help with difficult situations.


  5. To others reading this post…I misquoted Nancy…I actually used words that weren’t even there…ah, what a mind sometimes will do…. : ) ..so I’ve revised that image page, but can’t get the blogging program to let me replace the images…when I figure it out, I’ll replace them. The correct phrasing is… “I bless you, I release you, I set you free…. I allow you to be you and me to be me” …lovely…I love the “set you free”… ahhh, frazzled minds….


    • nrhatch says:

      Thanks, Kathy. I did see that it wasn’t an “exact quote” but I thought maybe you wanted to highlight “acceptance.” 😀

      I also didn’t know if it would be an easy thing to change once you’d created the page. Sounds like WP is making the change more difficult than it should be.


    • nrhatch says:

      And the plot thickens . . . I just googled the quote and found it in several other places, including:


      So it’s NOT even mine. 🙂

      I guess it’s a mantra/prayer I read and adopted.


      • ah, the human mind is remarkable… well,it makes no difference where it originated….you put it/remembered it in your post and brought it to people’s attention and I thank you sincerely for that. It’s been a different kind of 2 days for my own mind/memory/figuring out things…veryyyyyyyy different from typical days and actually there are some remarkable things that have happened….so perhaps a current of blessings is moving through and sent my mind adrift… : )


  6. Beautiful quote, regardless of who is credited, and beautiful photo. So sorry about all your trouble with Word Press. It certainly does have a mind of its own sometimes, especially at certain times of the day. I hope you get your problems resolved soon. Blessings, Connie


    • Thank you Connie… all of the confusion with creating/revising the post got resolved…all is fine and revised and understood…I kept the ongoing comments, in case others have challenges, they’ll see that it happens and to try to just be patient…..Nancy, whose quote was the basis of the post, also provided the solution to the revising…double bonus day there!…it was one button…the “update” button that I needed……so basic and simple…. : ) Thank you, Connie, for your encouraging words. Smiles to you, Kathy


  7. sufilight says:

    Came back to read the comments and it’s so strange I didn’t notice your misquoting Nancy. I felt your message was in alignment with hers. The mind does work in funny ways. 🙂


    • Oh, my mind seems to work in funnier ways everyday…the decrease in memory is leading to interesting glitches, but actually far more insight and understanding…odd how that can happen. And yes, I think that the idea I must have been drawn to was “acceptance”…and my mind just went ahead and added it…I guess, in a way, I can trust my mind’s honesty and forthrightness…. : )


  8. What an incredible post and an unknowingly collaboration between you and Nancy. I felt so much honesty and compassion arise from this post. It touched my heart indeed.


    • Thank you Walter…and yes, it is quite remarkable that the quote came from Nancy’s blog and then….many hours/comments/ideas/suggestions later, Nancy provided the “key” to being able to revise/update/complete the post…she was wonderfully supportive as I tried to figure it out…it was a true collaboration… : ) (I just noticed something… that the root word in collaboration…btw,I teach root words to my 5th graders….well the root word looks like it is “labor” and co= joint/with/accompanying/together…so we sure fit that word….laboring together/jointly on the dynamics of the post….you sure chose the right word)


  9. Your site is such a lovely place filled with inspiration. My mother often says “Parenting never ends”. She is so right. This quote may help us older parents let go even more after they leave the nest.


    • Smiles to you Georgette…. that was one of my first connections with the quote…as a mother to an emerging adult “child”…to put it on a page to share with and to offer to my 24 year old daughter…to help her to understand that her path will be her own unique path, and it doesn’t need to be, and probably won’t be, the path of my husband or me, or her friends from growing up years… or anyone else….it’s her path… and for her, and us, to release her to travel that path… which we do…with gentleness, kindness, love and acceptance. But after I made the page and post, I meditated a bit and I went through my mind and thought those words to/about as many people as I could think of…to just offer them the freedom…to allow them to be “themselves” and not my wishes or preferences for them….
      So, yes, for us older parents to let go after they leave the nest…you saw it… : )


  10. small steps big world says:

    this is lovely.


  11. I am happy to say that I found your site via the HUG award nomination. This is a beautiful message and quite the similar to what I am saying. I hope you will come visit me as well.


  12. Congratulations Pocket Perspectives on your nomination and acceptance of the Hope Unites Globally HUG Award. Your acceptance of the award has acknowledged who you are and what you do. The HUG Award was not created as a “fluff” award, just something pretty to paste on your blog. It was created as a “tough” award to challenge people to think about boundaries that are detrimental to nurturing hope and respecting the dignity of some of those who need it the most. I am very happy that you feel honored to receive the award, and I hope you will conntinue to share it with other who are also deserve to receive it. Blessings, Connie


  13. Cat Forsley says:

    “May any of us who might aspire to these wishes
    learn to live our lives aligned with them,
    in an accepting, kind, gentle and loving manner”

    Pretty Powerful —- in a softness that is so Hopeful and courageous ….


  14. ElizOF says:

    It all comes together eventually… It’s that time of the moon shifting… 😆 Beautiful post!


    • Thank you…well, yes, it did eventually come together…and I learned both the lessons I was trying to “teach” myself and how to maneuver my way through versions of a post…but of course….acceptance was within both of those…


  15. granbee says:

    “Arising, abiding, dissolving”–sort of like watching jellyfish move in plants on the bottom of an aquarium. The ONLY productive way we humans can move forward through all this is as you say, “in an accepting, kind, gentle and loving manner.” And, hey, I just concentrate on writing my posts and leave all that technowordpressy stuff alone. I was a frustrated techie geek for way too many years!


    • I’d happily leave that tech stuff alone…but it keeps plunging it’s way into my posts…and so…I try, I experiment, I attempt, I accept not understanding..and sometimes…I can fix it….so..the arise, abide and dissolve of tech confusion, too. : )


  16. leah77 says:

    This was a wonderful little reminder on releasing people from my expectations. You always have a nugget for me to put in my pocket and take home with me.
    Thank you for this.


    • Thank you Leah… I’m finding that whispering those phrases/imagining the sense within the words/phrases….during or just after I react to myself or others….is really soothing…and soothing sure feels good!


  17. This is wonderful!!!! And I love that so many people found joy it in, too. Absolutely beautiful. 🙂


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