“Wide open spaces…to find a dream and a life of their own….”

A very special young woman just moved to her very own, cozy little apartment yesterday…just Starbuck, the kitty,  and her….

seeking their own “wide open spaces”…
room to make their own mistakes….
new faces….finding higher stakes…
a new stage in finding a dream and a life of their own…
supported by the smiles of a very loving mom and dad….  : )
wide open spaces…

As my daughter was renting a truck to move to her new apartment yesterday morning,   the song “Wide Open Spaces” came on the radio…a favorite song of hers….and perfect timing as she enters some new wide open spaces….and so….may she learn from her ongoing experience in her own wide open spaces…

And may she also ….

“find abundant happiness…..”

Happy move in days, Sweetie Pie….

From my husband, Julie’s dad…a Jacquie Lawson card to Julie…
Starbuck settles in…

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22 Responses to “Wide open spaces…to find a dream and a life of their own….”

  1. Ah, I remember when my daughter set off on her own for the first time. I rummaged through my stuff creating a pile of useful castoffs to furnish her new place with. Perfect song for the moment…bittersweet moment;)
    I wish her the absolute best on her new journey.


  2. Oh, thank you so much for your good wishes…thank you! She has lived in 2 other apartments with roommates, but now decided to try living on her own…she lives 900 miles away from us, so she handled the move on her own…wow! She was telling me yesterday that there is a Portuguese word that means happy and sad at the same time…”saudade”…yes, indeed…bittersweet…”saudade”…but mostly happy… : )


  3. enermazing says:

    All the best for your daughter – may she find what she is looking for! 🙂


  4. nrhatch says:

    Best of luck to your daughter. I love some of the Dixie Chicks songs . . . including Wide Open Spaces.


    • Thanks for your good wishes…she doesn’t get internet ’til this afternoon, so she’ll have a nice surprise.
      I love that song Wide Open Spaces, too….love, love, love it!…I moved to California from a tiny little town in NH, when I was 22, so pursued my own wide open spaces, too… a wonderful thing to have the freedom and opportunities to be able to pursue that..and I still am! And so is Julie, my daughter… : )


  5. sufilight says:

    This truly made me smile. 🙂 Best of luck to your daughter, and so nice to read of supportive parents; it makes a difference as all children do want a mom and dad’s support.


    • Oh thanks Marie… she called on her iphone as she moved in, so I got to see her happy, beaming face as she “showed us around” her new home, via internet/phone…it was one of those “smile ’til your cheeks hurt” smiles on her face.


  6. ElizOF says:

    Best wishes to your daughter… brings back memories of my own move many years ago… Time files. 🙂


  7. Team Oyeniyi says:

    Best wishes to your daughter. It is a BIG step in life, moving out!

    I’m trying to catch up!


    • Thanks…it is very special to hear about her setting up her own little household …and handling all the logistics that go with that.
      And catching up?…you have a very busy life, so I’m impressed that you can find time to work, mother, spend time with your husband, write and then stop by other blogs, too…a great big “wow” to that. ( be sure to try to not do too much…okay? )


  8. My mother told me (after many years later) that when I moved out at 21 she was upset and worried, but she knew she had to let me go. Best wishes for your daughter’s new journey.


  9. Pingback: Wish it….. dream it….. do it ……… | Pocket Perspectives

  10. cuhome says:

    I just found your blog, and I love it! Check out mine: thoughtstomull.com !
    Janet aka cuhome
    Versatile, but specialize in hospice stories (not depressing, uplifting actually) and poetry.
    I look forward to reading more of your writing!!!


    • Hi Janet…. I had found your blog a few hours ago, too…I think I may have linked through Marie at Love is the Answer???…. looks like you have lots of special posts and ideas…I’ll be back to check out more. Happy you found your way here…enjoy.


  11. Pingback: “This day is a special day…it is yours” …. Nurturing Thursday | Pocket Perspectives

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