“A Starbuck Moment” …please help meeeeeoww-t

“A Starbuck Moment”

Starbuck, my daughter’s cat, likes to get into her clothes hamper…it’s usually full of clothes, so provides a soft, snuggly,  resting spot….but….that day, the laundry had been done…whoops!…stuck!…

I bet we’ve all known that feeling…
doing something we’ve done before, 
then….doing it again….
turns out differently….

need  to get out of there…
need to get “un-stuck…”
hope someone is around
to help us out….

A previous “Starbuck Moment”

My daughter often adds a smile to my day by emailing photos of her wonderful cat Starbuck  (Battlestar Galactica character) in foolish places or funny positions.  I, in turn, turn the photo into a “page” and send it back to her. I also print  these pages and put them up in my classroom, to add some lightness and more smiles ….kids enjoy Starbuck’s antics.  Starbuck also has her own business sized “cards” based on these pages. Her “cards”  are hot collector’s items with some of the kids in my classroom.

btw…we are actually “Peetniks,” loyal 35 year Peet’s Coffee Fans…. but that’s a Starbucks’ cup????…. Ah, even in the best of families….  🙄

ps….Humor, as in funny or endearing photos of Starbuck,  is a wonderful way to counter “stress”….I just read a wonderful (!!!) post on Tari Brand’s Blog, Celebration of Now…
Are your shoulders up around your ears?”with many terrific ideas for dealing with reactivity or stress…I find many of the ideas really helpful… I’m definitely printing out that post and putting it up someplace to remind me of those good ideas!!!

psps…and another good post this morning, “What’s the use of worrying,”  from Spirit Lights the Way.…..seems to be a common thread today…
And since I’m on that topic…here’s from this morning’s Reflections from a Friend

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9 Responses to “A Starbuck Moment” …please help meeeeeoww-t

  1. eof737 says:

    What a hoot… maybe she should copy Starbucks on this one. 😆


  2. Starbuck is a very funny cat…my daughter emails lots of funny Starbuck photos to me. I just added a note of explanation to the bottom of the post…for those who might be new to Starbuck.
    (btw, how do you make that big smilely face emoticon??? and how do you get it into your comments…when I add an emoticon to a comment, it seems to display as the code I type in…ex: 🙄 )
    ps…whoops, I see my emoticon did enter as the face, and not as the code..but sometimes it just appears as code…????)


  3. nrhatch says:

    Tigger rarely gets stuck but if he does . . . Get MEOW-ttt is exactly what he says. 😀


    • Ahhh…Tigger…I have a classroom full of “Tiggers!”….by the end of the day, “get meow-tt” is what I’m sometimes saying… love Tiggers, but they can wear me out! Next time I look at that page, I’ll think of that! 🙄


  4. hugmamma says:

    eerie coincidence…my recent post being about meeting with friends at our local starbucks…and your blogging about your daughter’s kitty…starbucks. we must share some psychic esp… 😉


    • : ) …I’ve noticed that seems to be happening a lot among quite a few bloggers these days…. There have been a number of similar overlapping post topics by different people in recent days… kind of interesting when that happens.


  5. Love it! Animals always make life more fun. Thanks for making me laugh. 🙂



  6. Pingback: A Starbuck Moment….her Christmas list | Pocket Perspectives

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