“A Starbuck Moment” …lightening up

It’s been a few weeks of floods, damage, difficult anniversaries…a difficult time for many….

So…a nice time to have a few lighter moments….

with my daughter Julie’s cat “Starbuck”

“A Starbuck Moment”

Julie rescued “Starbuck,” the cat,  last winter…and spent many weeks of her pay for the vet bills.   “Starbuck” was named after a strong female character in Battlestar Galactica…and definitely nothing to do with the name Starbucks,  the corporate coffee chain. (We’re loyal Peet’s coffee people, not Starbucks)

So, it seems that Starbuck has transitioned  from a thin little abandoned kitty to a confident, Starbucks-sipping cat

Just a note: this photo was not posed. Julie had tossed a close-to-empty Starbucks drink container into her trash several days earlier. Starbuck, who is fed only high quality, organic food,  apparently found the container, pulled it out of the trash and started sipping away. Julie was in the room, and saw Starbuck sipping (probably munching) happily on the straw and …quickly!…took this photo…

and so…

“A Starbuck Moment”

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6 Responses to “A Starbuck Moment” …lightening up

  1. ElizOF says:

    Oy vey! I hope he didn’t end up with a tummy ache. Great shot! 😆


    • : ) ahhhhh…..even in the best of families….. : )
      Julie saw this post last night….and is a proud “mama” now that her much loved Starbuck has her own blog post (she also has a scratching post) and a few followers who even clicked “like”…. : ) There are other funny photos, too….maybe more occasional “Starbuck Moments” to come.


  2. nrhatch says:

    FUN shot. Thanks, Kathy.


  3. Pingback: A Starbuck Moment….her Christmas list | Pocket Perspectives

  4. Pingback: Another “Starbuck Moment” …. the kitty meets the new lion | Pocket Perspectives

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