Smile ’til Your Cheeks Hurt

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Awwww…now this song can bring a smile to my face,too….

I love this song: You Are My Sunshine

4/3/2011    Last week, a charming 7 year old child came into my classroom for some extra help. She arrived with a huge smile on her face and explained that she was soooo happy about her pretty new sundress…someone had commented that she looked like a peacock….which she considered a wonderful compliment. (My guess is that someone had commented that she looked “proud as a peacock”, but she thought they meant that she looked like a peacock, which she liked, too)

She then went on to explain that she had smiled so much that day, and it was only 9:30 AM at that point, that “her cheeks hurt.” 

My teacher aide, Carole,  and I thought that was such a precious and wonderful comment. And so…I made her comment into a “page”.

Can you believe how incredibly fortunate teachers are to get to support such happiness in children?  The gift of happiness is not just for the children we teach….it’s just as wonderful for all of us who work with children  and get to support and nurture them along…



ps…if you like this page,  you might like the Piles of Smiles page, too…further down the “Recent posts” list.


The Traveling Smiley Face brought  a smile to someone’s face in : Texas: X ,  NewZealand: X,  Olympia Washington: X ,   Indiana: X,  Northern California: X,    Australia  X,   Greece  X,    New York  X,    Texas again  X

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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6 Responses to Smile ’til Your Cheeks Hurt

  1. ElizOF says:

    Beautiful and thank you for stopping by my blog…A smile moves mountains and I love this one.. 🙂


  2. Happy that you stopped by…that little girl is so precious..and happily for me, I get to work with her again this year….such contagious exuberance!


  3. Pingback: Piles of Smiles | Pocket Perspectives

  4. zendictive says:

    I loved this (~_~) smile till your cheeks hurt….


    • Isn’t this wonderful? I told this little girl today that i linked her words/idea to the dad of another little girl in Texas…she was thrilled….her smile filled the entire room with joy… : )
      I had also made that page into a window hanger and sent her home with a whole bunch of them to give to her mom, dad, grandmas etc…and I have them up in the classroom and at home too.
      And I hope you listened to “you are my sunshine” too….


  5. Cat Forsley says:

    I love what she said —– and you are so right – Lucky lucky to experience and witness such Happiness – A smile that could fill a room – Children are so much wiser than adults – i have always thought that .Thank You so much for showing me this post ! Made my morning already ……..Here’s a little sun for You xoxo Cat


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